Friday, June 7, 2024

preaching clothes

So, last Sunday, June 2nd, I was the guest preacher at the White City UMC in Ft. Pierce.

Evidently their pastor left the UMC for the new Global MC and they are left without a pastor until the new one arrives in July.

So I got to fill in for one Sunday.

And I had this very interesting experience.  On Saturday night June 1, I got out my "preaching clothes."

This is a suit and tie.  This is my black dress shoes.  The whole ensemble does not get out very much.  I was so excited to get out my preaching clothes.  It was almost a year since the last time that I got to fill a pulpit.

On a side note, two of my handyman customers here in Florida made the trip to be in service.  That made me feel like a million dollars.

I am not sure of the value of this post to anyone else, but it sure made me feel good to be back in the game again, at least for one Sunday.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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