Saturday, June 29, 2024

submitting my attitude

Years ago, when I was the Sr. Pastor [code for old guy] there were times that I had to send difficult emails or have difficult conversations with someone.  Sometimes members, sometimes employees.

Somewhere along the way, I learned to submit my emails to key staff for their review.  They would often offer some edits to make the email sound nicer.  I was always glad for their input.  We get smarter when we run our attitudes by solid humans.

If I had to have a difficult discussion with someone, I would sit down with my XO, still the XO at Woods Chapel, Sherri Swanson.  A brilliant human.

I would run through what I was planning to say and she would listen to my spiel and almost always say, "the content is fine, but it needs to sound nicer."  I was always grateful for her advice.

If you have to have a difficult communication with a friend, family member or employee, you might want to run it by a trusted person.  Others can see things in our words that we often cannot.

It's a beautiful, hurt free day in God's world, be sure to see the good. 

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