Monday, June 17, 2024

Change your mind

It is ok to change your mind.  In fact, some of us need to change our minds.  We need to change our opinions on some things.  Because frankly, sometimes we are wrong about things.  You are wrong on some things and I am wrong on some things.

It is not a sin to decide that you have been wrong.  It is a sin in my opinion, to continue to hold to antiquated beliefs simply because that is what you were taught or because you have held them for so long.  Some refuse to change their beliefs about certain things because they are filed away in the "faith file..." they were taught such things by their pastors so they must be right.

Just because a pastor taught you something, does not mean that it is right.  There is a good deal of toxic "christianity" out there and it has been swallowed by way too many people.

My heart and mind started to change when I started to see how my ideas were hurting people.  I don't want to hurt or judge people anymore.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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