Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is alive

It is Easter. The day of resurrection. Jesus is alive! Praise God. He has shown his power in the world. His power over death. We have hope. We can trust him. He is real.

But on this Easter day, I have a question.
Am I alive?

I don't mean "is my heart beating." I mean, am I living in a way that is free. Living in a way that celebrates the gift of life and makes use of what God has given to me.

When I trust in stuff, houses, cars, and people, for my joy, I am not really alive. When I worry about every little thing in my life, I am not really alive. When I am broken, and refuse to try to become whole, I am not really alive.

This kind of life is no longer acceptable to me.

Because Jesus is risen, I can truly be alive. I can celebrate every moment of life that he gives me. I can choose to see his glory in all of creation. I can give thanks for each circumstances of life, the good and the bad.

When I am alive, I am concerned about sharing love. That is all. I know my purpose, sharing God's love. The human stuff begins to fade from view. I begin to live in perspective. I am alive. Alive to Christ. Free to live. Free to love.

These are the gifts of Easter.
Hallelujah! He is risen.
He is alive! I am alive!

Thank you God for these unspeakable gifts!

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