Thursday, December 18, 2008

a little bit more on evil

Well, I was a bit surprised, but I should not have been, about the numerous and varied responses that came in on yesterday's post.

Let me say that I love the fact that our church has a great variety of people in it with varied beliefs. This is what heaven will be like. Republicans, Democrats, rich, poor, progressive, liberal, conservative, all people that call on the name of Jesus will be there and I am glad that our church welcomes all and that we can learn from each other.

Follow the link below to some more thoughts that I have on a Christian theology of evil.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just quickly...

Growing up in the Methodist Church and having a grandpa who was a Methodist preacher (in those days), I really never heard Satan referred to much. And, quite honestly, I didn't hear much reference to him any time until recently. Interesting?

Well, I often hear folks refer to Satan as someone or something who is always about them tempting them, etc. Well, that just all seems so strange to me. If there is only one Satan, it isn't very likely that he would find me too appealing to pick on. Most certainly...if I were of the inclination to respond...he might be able to pose a threat on me...but I'm such a little commoner and have such little influence on numbers of people that I simply feel that Satan (only one being) would be picking on and working on those with a lot more influence than mine. As you said, someone like Osama Bin Laden, for instance.

Now this is not to say that I can not be tempted and don't make mistakes, even big ones...I do! But that is just my human nature working on me. We, who are of "the flesh", are full of temptation.

That is where the Holy Spirit comes in. If I turn my attention away from the temptations in life through prayer & supplication and seek to do God's will for my life...God is right there helping me through that decision-making process. I thank God that He is there for me...omnipotent, ever-present, never-changing, loving, supporting and sending angels (good angels) to help get me through whatever situation I face. The key here is for me to look to Jesus...and then I have no awareness of Satan in my life.