Friday, January 9, 2009


Do you ever feel a little bit crazy? Not schizophrenic, just a little bit crazy. Wrong thoughts, strange thoughts, bad reactions, not thinking, wacky stuff. I shouldn't admit to being a little bit crazy, but I think that everyone is from time to time. Or, maybe I am the only one. Well, surely there are others, aren't there? uh, uh, I am worried.

Jamie Lee Curtis did an interview for AARP magazine last year when she turned 50. Yes, I get the AARP magazine, and yes, I read it. That all by itself makes me a little bit crazy.

Anyway, Jamie Lee Curtis said in the interview that one of the things that she liked about turning 50 was, "I am not as crazy as I used to be." Somehow, I related to that thought. I am not quite as worried, not quite as insistent, not so reactive or over reactive. I am more steady and stable at 50. Usually.

It is actually nice to look at problems and not be so worried about them. Sometimes they make me crazy, but not so much as they used to.

Well, none of this is making any sense. I am starting to sound a bit...........

I wish you a day of peace and joy and relaxation in the face of challenge. No craziness for you or me today.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

I think you are ok. Crazy is a relative term. You are not alone.
Just yesterday I was reminded that I might be a litte off. My cat told me so. I think, he was speaking spanish, but I think that's what he said.
Erik B

Anonymous said...

Jeff I think we all feel like this sometimes....I hope we all do as I know I do...I always thought one of the benefits I would recieve as I grew older would be wisdom and maturity. I'm 49, I have a wife and 3 children....I don't feel wise...inside I still feel about 21 and act that way most the time..I am able to catch myself sometimes so I suppose thats growth...I'm still optimistic I'll recieve wisdom or find the wisdom God has already placed in me as I age , mostly I am just wise enough to know how much I don't know..just like you said...Least I think it was you that said that...:-)