Thursday, June 17, 2010

to the death

This story goes back a long way. It is an epic, life long battle between good and evil. Between man and beast. Between me and the mole.

Don't laugh. Moles are not cute. They are not benign and they are not anything that you want at your house.

This battle began when I was 19. A couple of moles decided to invade our property near 99th and Holmes. My father was at his wits end trying to eradicate them. My mother was in tears. Our backyard was being destroyed by the pesky little rodents.

It was during this time of desperation that I had an inspiration. It involved a garden hose and a shovel. I went out one afternoon to the scene of the crime. I stuck the hose in the newest hole, the farthest uphill and turned it on full blast. I watched and waited. After about ten minutes I saw some dirt being disturbed down the line. Time for the shovel. Chop chop dig dig, oh what a relief it was to find that I had ended the life of one of the varmints.

They raised the stakes. The next day, there was a new hole in the back yard. A really big one, and our dog was missing. He had sniffed around too much and had fallen victim to the critters. We never found our dog. Now the war was on. Over the next week I stayed at the hose and shovel bit until I caught another mole. Jeff 2, moles 1. With their ranks depleted, they retreated from our home to fight another day.

That day is here. They are back. I am engaged again in an age old battle of life and death. Mole vs Jeff. Somehow they found me. I have been at this for a couple of weeks and it is weighing on me. Please pray for me because so far I have been unable to make any headway.

They are digging up my yard and my flower beds. They are eating my poison and coming back for more. They are not responding to the hose and shovel bit. They have adapted. They have morphed into some sort of super mole. I must rise to the occasion. Caddyshack.

If you have any battle plans, please help me.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

"To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that's all she wrote".

Carl Spackler, Caddyshack

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I take it the dog isn't in to catching moles, just rabbits and squirrels?

The first cat I got for my daughter was a wonderful mole catcher. And he performed his services throughout the neighborhood. He wasn't focused on simply my yard and he would bring ALL of the dead ones home to proudly display for me. I wish I could loan him to you. Unfortunately we had to put him down two years ago. If I come across another cat like that I will let you know. The crosseyed cat I have now isn't really very good at hunting.


Anonymous said...

dig a hole into the tunnel and leave sticks of juicy fruit gum. the moles will eat it and they can't digest it. then they go to little mole heaven.


Anonymous said...

dig a hole into the tunnel and leave sticks of juicy fruit gum. the moles will eat it and they can't digest it. then they go to little mole heaven.


Anonymous said...

Get a metal type of hose/tube. back you car up to the lawn and connect the exhaust pipe, through the tube and into their hole. Idle it for a good half hour and fill that hole up with carbon monoxide.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what your previous "poison" was, but I'd try talpirid. Its expensive, but it works. Good luck!