Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Have you ever been disappointed in yourself? If you answer no to that question, then I question if you are being honest with yourself. Everyone is disappointed with themselves at one time or another.

For example, maybe I said something that I want to take back. I dwelled on a thought that I should not have. I did something that I knew was wrong. I made excuses for something when I knew better. I didn't care when I should have.

I said I, in the last few sentences, but any of these situations could be, might be, you.

Here is the good news. When we are sad on the inside, God stands by our side. He rushes to the broken, to the contrite, to the hurting. When you are crying on the inside, you do not stand alone.

So, if you are out there today and your heart is breaking, and it is a self inflicted wound, let me say that Jesus died for those sins too. It is not the end. You are not done. The sun will come up tomorrow and you will get to see it. Those who love you will forgive your sins. As do I. And I thank you for forgiving mine.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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