Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the trees

The trees are starting to leaf out at my house. This is one of God's annual reminders that He is in control. I may make my plans, I may have my ideas, but God is still God and life goes on whether it suits me or not.

I may want to change the direction of our country. I may not like the sermon series. I may want my faith to fit in a box that is just so. I want my kids to do such and such.

And the seasons come and go. The sun rises and sets. Winter ends and spring arrives. God is still doing his thing, with or without my permission. This is why the wise bow the knee to the Creator. They see in Him and in his world, a power that cannot be contained or controlled. I stand in awe of the God who set it all in place and keeps it all going.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning to see tiny little leaves budding out on our crabapple tree. It must have happened overnight because I study all my plants each day this time of year as spring opens new life. I am always amazed at how quickly the transformation begins. God is truly amazing!!!

Yesterday morning before leaving for Bible study, I heard a racket in the basement. I knew that Izzy, our cat, had seen something through the window and was pushing his way behind the blinds. Sure enough, a female duck had made a nest right next to one of our azalea bushes. She accomplished laying one egg and then Izzy must have interrupted her. I'm so afraid she has abandoned the nest...for I haven't seen her again since. Doggone it! I had so hoped that we would have little ducklings parading through the yard to the lake behind their mother for our little grandson, Liam, to watch. Us, too! Of course, if they don't lay eggs in our yard, they will in another. The parade will go on...and we can enjoy...even if the nest isn't in our yard.

How I love God's little all shapes and sizes...whether they be human (our grandson) or in nature, itself!!!!

You're such a nature lover yourself, I'm sure I don't need to add, "Enjoy!" You will!


Anonymous said...

And so the song goes . . . Turn, Turn, Turn . . .

Anonymous said...

Just so you know. Jim checked the nest again this morning and there was another egg in the nest next to the first. No sign of ma duck.

Just looked it up and this is typical behavior...laying one egg per day and only attending the nest an hour per day until the whole brood is laid...usually around 12 eggs. After the 12 eggs are laid, she covers them to insulate the eggs and then will incubate them. So...sounds like there is hope that this nest has not been forgotten and we will sometime this spring see a little brood of ducklings hatching from our window. How exciting!!

Liam, our grandson, is going to love it!!!