Tuesday, September 24, 2013

an honest life

Yesterday I was writing a blog post and I wrote the word "life."  My fingers missed a letter though and instead of "life," I wrote "lie."  What a big difference the f makes in that word.

It caused me to think of something.  Is my life, is your life, a life or a lie?  I know people that are very good at pretending.  I know people that are very good at not being themselves.  I don't think that we were designed to live this way.  A true life is an open life, is an honest life, is a congruent  life is a love filled life.  This is the life for which we were created. 

Real love accepts you as you are.  Real love does not need you to pretend.  Real love embraces the best and the worst of you.

Live life.  There is no need to pretend.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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