Sunday, September 15, 2013

last words to me

It is always sad to lose a friend.  Well, we never lose them, they just go on to be with the Lord.  It feels like a loss to us.  On Friday, Sherri did the service for Don Richter.

What a delightful, wonderful man.  He passed on Sunday the 8th.  I had the chance to visit with him just a few hours prior.

He was positive and happy.  He asked about the score of the Chicago bears game.  I told him that everyone I ever met thought Don was a great guy.  He told his daughter that she needed to help me meet more people.  Sense of humor intact until the very end.

I asked him if there was anything I could help him with.  [This is a pastor fishing for a spiritual need or desire for some consolation...]  He said, "no, Jeff, I am 73 years old.  I have lived a good life.  I am going to a better place.  I have three great children.  It doesn't get any better than that."

I have to agree.  It doesn't get any better than that.  Imagine living your life so well that you are just ready.  Ready to go.  No regrets.  May we all live like that.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Sherri did a great job at the service. Wendy so beautifully sang "You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings." I didn't even know Don, but am learning that he was the kind of guy who could hold a pastor's wings up, with that positive attitude, sense of humor, and a common bond between you two of three great children. Glad you and Don met, along your paths of life.