Thursday, September 12, 2013


I guess that I am a little interested in pain.  Probably because I have some, and so many people in this world have some.  It plays such an interesting role in the domination of so many lives.  The scriptures invite us to take our thoughts captive, but pain from our past is so very powerful.

I read or heard this quote recently, "nothing is left but the cry of my hate."  Wow.  Do I feel the pain in those words.  The deep honest confession of a person who has been dominated by a painful event in life.

Well, maybe you have felt this way.  Nothing is left but the cry of your hate.  But that does not have to be the end of the story.  That does not have to be the last word.  If you are alive, and you are, you have a chance to rise above your worst moments.  One of the nice things about hate is that I think we all know that it is bad.  Hate is not an answer in any way, shape or form.

If you have pain, please know that Jesus did too.  He understands.  He accepts you, warts and all.  There is something left in the world besides the cry of your hate.  There is also the cry of the Father's love.  Love is stronger than pain.  Believe it. It is true.

Days with no pain are great.  But when we can see the good even when things are difficult, those are beautiful days in God's world for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the great questions of life is "what purpose the past?" This seems especially true if the past brings unresolved pain.

From the time we set our feet on the floor in the morning, until we go to bed at night, we usually walk forward all day, in going about our business.

One of the great mysteries of life is what compels us to walk backwards in our minds. Love and prayers for those whose past brings pain. As a brother or sister in Christ, it would feel so good to be able to take your arm and the arm of other sojourners in the faith, and help people walk forward, so the past won't hurt so much.