Friday, September 6, 2013

baseball season

nominee for fan of the game.
There is a little grief that enters my life every year in September as baseball season comes to an end.  I just love baseball.  I love going to the Royals games.  Even when they don't win, baseball is just so much fun.  Watching the players on both teams hit, throw and run is quite an experience.  I have one more game left and then I will have to wait until April.  I was at a game this year and was nominated for fan of the game.  Tom B took this picture on the jumbo-tron.  Baseball brings me happiness.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Happy for you. The all American sport for sure. There's only one thing keeping you from being a full fledged fan of the Americana. With your new eating choices, you're probably not up for "Mom's Apple Pie" any more.


Anonymous said...

"Memories Are Made of This."

Jeff, you've shared some recurring poignant memories of your dad. This is sweet to think about. Your own three wonderful children will someday begin to experience very touching memories of you and Cathy. You've shared about the indelible memories of seeing your dad at the back of the sanctuary and how much it meant. Your three are going to be telling folks how much it meant and how proud they were to remember their dad standing at the front of the Sanctuary - preaching.
