Wednesday, November 26, 2014


When you bury a friend it is very difficult.

A few weeks ago I was driving to church, and I thought about how much I love Woods Chapel and how much I love my job.  I am so fortunate.

Then I had to bury a friend.  And another.  I do not like this part of my job.

Let me tell you, I hate it.  I hate it that they die.  I hate it that I will have to die.  I hate watching other friends and family hurt.  I hate going to funerals.  I hate doing them. [I mean, I am glad to offer comfort and consolation in doing a funeral, but they can be very very difficult.]  Part of what makes doing funerals difficult is that while everyone else is crying, you have to prepare, and you have to hold it together.  Sometimes there is a big cry in there for a while and it needs to come out, but you don’t get the chance.

Dear God, can I please stop burying friends?  At least for a while?  And yet, this is life.  There will be no moratorium on it ending.  We need to enjoy every day that God gives us.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.