Thursday, November 6, 2014

the little things

There will always be something that is unfair.  We just can't control every thing in our lives.  Someone else will have power, and will use it in ways that we don't like.

Yes.  You are right.  It's not fair.  But you have to pick your battles.  Don't upset your boss at work over a little thing.  Don't throw away your spouse for laundry on the floor.  Don't trade your car because you had a flat tire.

Life is full of all sorts of little things.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  If you cut off your hand every time it offends you, you are going to regret it.  If you make a stink over every perceived injustice, you will only be making your life more difficult. 

Relax.  Go with the flow.  Everything is ok.  Don't ruin your chance for a great day because someone pulled out in front of you in traffic.

Life is good.  It is all good.  We can't control it all, but all in all, it is good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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