Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the river

The Spirit is like a river, flowing through all of life. 

Sometimes, we think we have life figured out and we spend years fighting upstream, wondering why we cannot achieve what we hope for.  Sometimes we get out of the water altogether and wander far from it's nourishment.  After a time of living away, a person can even forget that the river ever existed.  You can come to believe that real life is somewhere else.

Away from the waters of God, our souls become dry and we lose our way.  But oh, to return to the river!  Oh the day when we see it again and dive into the love of our Father.  And maybe this time, instead of fighting the current, I will just go with it, floating along in the stream of life, enjoying the company of God.

When we let go and trust God, our problems get smaller and we can be carried by the arms of his Spirit.  The river of God runs through all of life.  Wade in.  Let Go.  For this we were created.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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