Thursday, August 27, 2015

have we met?

I embarrassed myself at church a few weeks ago.

I have learned to stop asking people if they are new........ it's always embarrassing to find out that they have been attending for years.

Instead I have started asking, "have we met?"

A few weeks ago, I got the same answer, "yes we have met a couple of times, we have been attending here for five years."

I was mortified.  I am so sorry.  I hope they read this and know that I feel terrible when I can't
remember a face.  You are all so precious and delightful, and I want you to feel that you are valued here at Woods Chapel.

Please wear your name tags and please keep helping me learn your names.  Thanks.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, not sure if this will help, but my standard question when I greet folks at WCC and I don't at least know them somewhat, is "how long have you been coming to church here." I get a myriad of answers, but it never embarrasses them or me.

God bless. I'm sure people love saying hi to you, whether you remember having met them or not. And with the number of hands you shake after every service, during those long mornings of preaching for sermons, leaves anyone to wonder how you could keep the names of even a few folks straight.