Monday, August 3, 2015

not flat

Many times I have felt spiritually flat. Nothing would seem inspiring. Maybe the world and its ways had taken the front seat. Maybe I had. One way or another it would happen. This came to mind the other day when I began to write down some ideas to share here on the Blog. I was struggling to come up with anything I was passionate about. Only this time I knew it wasn’t because I was “flat”. So I thought about it and came to realize, for now at least, I am content... at peace. It is not because the world is now perfect for me nor am I in control and making everything right. I made a conscious decision a while back to slow down. Maybe that was the catalyst for this change. Whatever it is, it is working and I am trying to not think too hard about it….I don’t want to mess things up and lose where I am. God, I think, is just looking for a little space... a little time, so he can work on us.

See the good.


Lion’s Den Man

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