Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I am the problem

So you are not feeling well and you go to your doctor and ask for help.    Your doctor sends you home with a prescription for someone else.  It makes no sense. 

But that is how we live and that is how we think.  We are unhappy but we think we will become happy if someone else changes.  I am troubled but if my wife will change, then I will be happy.  I hate my job but if my boss will change then I will  be happy.  We are asking for prescriptions for others when we are the one who is ill.

Start looking past circumstances.  Stop measuring your life by your circumstances.  Life is good.  See it.  Live it.  The problem is not everyone else.  The problem is almost always me- my attitudes, my worries, my dysfunction.

The moment that I realize this and admit it to myself, everything begins to change.  I begin to work on me and I begin to accept that being uncomfortable is just a part of being alive in this world.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.

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