Saturday, November 4, 2017


We were getting off of the shuttle bus at the airport.  Almost everyone handed the driver a couple of $ bucks.  I overheard a 10 year old boy say to his dad, "gosh everyone is rich."

I stayed close to them so I could hear the father's response.  It was classic.  "Son, they might be rich, but maybe they are just generous."

You can be generous even if you don't have lots of money.  In fact, I think that I would rather be generous than rich.  To live a generous life, whether by giving money, time or attention, to live a generous life is to live a happy life.

We can all be more generous.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
Travel with Pastor Jeff

Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017

Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018

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