Tuesday, January 16, 2018

look what God did

I hear it all the time.  "God did this, God did that."  I cringe sometimes at the things that we humans blame God for.

God healed my child!  Praise God!
God did not heal my child.  I hate God.

God gave me the promotion!  Praise God!
God did not give me the promotion.  I'm not going to church anymore.

God did this.
God did that.
All is fine and good when the things that happen to you are what you want, but what happens when it does not go your way?  Where was the magic God then?

So I was watching the news.  A church in Florida was having a New Years Eve party, to keep the good Christians from going out and partying.  As per every New Years Eve, some people were out shooting guns.  A bullet from a mile away broke through a window in the fellowship hall and missed all of the people in the room.  Look what God did!

The problem with this of course is that some bullets do randomly other people by accident.  Where was God then?  Was he asleep?  How does our theology work then?

We oversimplify everything and recognize God's work by our comfort.  We need to stop defining God by his ability to fix our problems and instead lean on a God who is there for us and with us whether circumstance goes my way or not.

God did not pull the trigger.  Sometimes people do things.  Sometimes random things happen in this life.  Good things and difficult things, and God is still with us.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com

I am leading some trips in 2018. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018

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