Thursday, August 8, 2019

On gun control

On Sunday I told someone hello, and I said, it's a beautiful day.  They said, no it's not a beautiful day because of the shootings the day before.  I got their point.

My heart hurts for the people in El Paso and Dayton.  For that matter, my heart hurts every time that I hear of one of these terrible shootings.

I can tell you that the problem is not guns, the problem is hatred, but I am personally in favor of more gun control.  I have a shotgun and a handgun.  But, if a burglar came in, by the time I found the bullets and got them loaded, the police would probably be there.

While I think owning a gun is fine, I think that there should be waiting periods, I think there should be age limits, and I think that some people should not be allowed to own guns.

One thing that I certainly think is that there is no reason for anyone to own one of these assault rifles.  I have a friend that has one, and he is a great guy, but I just don't understand why people want them.

New Zealand is a small country, but after the mass shooting there, they had a buy back event and 224 assault rifles were turned in.  It cost the country $290,000.  It would cost millions in the US but if it helps to stop such killings, I am for it.

I pray for the families.  I grieve for the loss to so many.

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