Saturday, April 11, 2020

Illness and grief

I was making random phone calls this week to members of our church just to check in and see how they were doing.  Most report that they are doing well and feeling fine.  All is good.

Then I called Bill, a snow bird from New York.  His voice is trembling.  He asks if I really want to know how they are doing?  I said, yes of course.  Bill tells me that his brother has died of CV19.  His father has died of CV19.  His mother is in the hospital on a ventilator and is not doing well.

Bill said, "I would never have imagined that this would come to my family.  Please be careful, be safe.  This thing is real, and it is vicious."

You know I have thought a great deal about the symptoms of the illness and how CV19 affects a person's body.  I have empathized for those who have the aches, the chills and the trouble breathing.  What Bill helped me to think about is how it affects your heart and soul.  Up until this phone call, I had not thought about the deep grief that families feel when they lose a member of their family.

To lose someone in a timely way is not easy.  To lose someone because of an illness sweeping around, to lose someone too early, if tragically painful.

Please pray for Bill and Julie.
Please pray for all those whose loved ones are sick, or whose loved ones have passed.  Offer to them a word of love and encouragement.

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