Tuesday, May 19, 2020


The church that I work at part time in Ft. Pierce is right in the center of the "Peacock Arts District."  Now I must be honest that some love having the peacocks around and some hate them.  The haters point to the poop which is everywhere.  The lovers of peacocks point to their beauty and the novelty of having them living in the midst of the city.  The peacocks have regular feeders that come by with food and water.  There are also many many who stop to take their photos.

They are fed so often by humans that it is not uncommon for them to strut up towards you expecting to be fed.  The males are big and their approach can be a bit unnerving.  They also like to eat bugs off of your car and fight with themselves in their reflection off of glass.

I guess I am a peacock fan.  I park in the grass lot across from the church and enter the back side [west door.]  This entire area is filled with peacocks.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't see

Enjoy the photos...  beautiful things don't need an explanation.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com

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