Saturday, May 22, 2021

I've got the power

It's a quote from the movie Bruce Almighty which is one of my favorites of all time.

I've got the power.  And so do you.  You may not feel powerful, you may not be a boss, but you have power.

Power for bad:  to complain, to sulk, to wish it were different, to be hateful, to lie, to steal, to ignore and so on.

And, you have power for good:  to love, to say hello, to ask their name, to smile, to hug, to tell them how much you love them, to forgive, to over tip, to buy their lunch, to hold the door open, to do a favor for them, and on it goes.

Yes you have power.  It is just a matter of how you choose to use it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to use your power for good.

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