Friday, September 22, 2023

Loving Self

I am a big fan of Richard Rohr and I read his devotionals religiously. [ha ha!]

The other day he wrote something about self care/self love. I am quoting here:

While many Christians understand compassion, mercy, and kindness to be essential in our interactions with others, we don’t always see these as core values for our relationship with ourselves. We neglect our self-care, directly and indirectly contributing to our pain and suffering. We judge ourselves for our own suffering, listening to the voice of our inner critic as it rehearses our shortcomings, our errors, and our deficiencies. As James teaches us, it doesn’t have to be this way (James 3:10).

Friends, we need to be kind to ourselves. Our parents may have taught us to be perfect. The church may have insisted on certain behaviors. We will never measure up. Go easy on yourself. Give yourself the same grace that you would give to someone who came to you for advice.

Kindness is good. Not just for others, but for yourself as well.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure
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