Monday, September 2, 2024

Call to worship

Church Pt 3

One of the things that blessed me a week ago Sunday was the "call to worship."  This is the little responsive reading that comes at the beginning of the service.

I have never cared for them.  I had always found them so dry and so trite.  I have written hundreds of them over the years... and I was never inspired by them.

Anyway, Sunday's was different:

L:  No matter what you have done or left undone...

P:  No matter who we love or who we have failed to love...

L:  Whether you are here to be joyful

P:  Or here to mourn...

L:  Whether you are here and still working on figuring out the beauty and messiness of faith, our God welcomes us in this place.

P:  All are welcome in this place.  Amen.

I loved it!!!  And I might add, not just that all are welcomed, but also, all are embraced.  We need more churches with this philosophy.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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