Monday, September 23, 2024

Good Bye

My neighbor saw me in the driveway and came over to say good bye.  She and her husband are moving.

I about fell over.

For 9 years we lived next door to each other.  They hardly ever spoke to us at all.  But, when they needed help, I helped them.  I hauled off brush and downed trees after hurricanes.  They never said thank you.  They never said anything.

I find it so strange to live next door to someone and not even speak.

Well the new neighbors are here.  A husband and wife with a 5 year old and a 7 year old.  I have already knocked on their door and introduced myself.  Very nice people.

I am hopeful that the next 9 years will be better.

The moral of this story... always be kind, even when the kindness is not returned to you.  Kindness is a reward in and of itself.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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