Monday, September 16, 2024

little guy

This is a Florida soft shell turtle.  They have really long necks and can grow up to a foot across.  They are very common and there are some that live in the pond behind my neighbor's house.

So this is a blog post about paying attention.

Sometimes when I have to move vehicles around I park in my neighbor's driveway.  So the other day I went back over to get the truck and look what I saw...

I set my wallet down on the driveway 
to offer a sense of the size of this guy.

He was probably the size of a quarter.  He was a long way from the pond.  I hope he made it to where ever he was going.

There are so many cool things to see in this life if we just keep looking.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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