Sunday, September 8, 2024

feeling like a loser

I love handyman work.  But as I am getting older, there are some jobs that I have to turn down.  For example, I don't climb ladders to the second story anymore.

So I had a job to hang a chandelier for one of my favorite clients.  She is currently up north for the summer.  I finally got a day scheduled to install it.

I opened the box and the light was much larger and heavier than I thought I should try.  It is also a very complicated chandelier...

So it is like a tree with branches. 
You bend the branches out like an artificial Christmas tree. 
Oh, I would hate to break one of these branches.

The ends of the branches have little holes in them.
You hang pendants in the little holes.

There are lots of pendants... this is pile one...

This is pile two!

This is one of the pendants.

So I had to make the call that it was too heavy and too complicated for me to install.  I felt like a loser.  I hate to disappoint people.  Part of the fun of the handyman work is doing a good job and making people happy.

I called my client to explain.  She was so understanding and gracious.  She made me feel better.

Here are the lessons from this story...

1.  know your limits.  discretion is the better part of valor.

2.  be honest with yourself and with those you work for.

3.  don't beat yourself up.  Most people are very gracious and understanding.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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