Sunday, September 22, 2024

playing your cards close to your chest

The Brinkman's tend to hold their cards close to their chest.  We can tend to be kind of private.

So, here goes...

A month ago Cathy had an abnormal mammogram.  We told almost no one.  A week later she had an ultrasound.  The results showed 4 abnormalities, one of which they wanted to biopsy.  We waited a week for the biopsy, then we waited for the results... and we waited.

Although there was not much talk about any of this, in private, as you can understand, everyone was concerned.

Well, three days ago, at the Silver Oak winery in Napa, Cathy finally got her results.  

This is the face of someone who just found out that everything is all right.  No malignancy, no more worries.  Tension lifted.

Some would say to me, "Jeff if you would have let us know,  we could have been praying..."  I get that, but this is just not how my family operates.

What I can say to you today, is... please rejoice with us.

It is an exceptionally good day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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