Friday, September 27, 2024

The Brown Dress

I talked to a young person the other day.  The discussion reminded me of this story.

Anthony Demello tells the story about an eight year old girl who walks into the room wearing a pink dress. Everyone ooo's and ahhh's over her pink dress. The girl smiles. Her heart is full. She is on cloud nine.

The next day she comes in wearing a brown dress and the result is the opposite. Her parents, her brothers and sisters belittle her. That is a terrible color they say. The girl hangs her head. Her heart is crushed.

The moral of this story is that we give people way too much power over us. You don't like it that I am wearing a gray shirt? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I don't believe it like you do? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I drive a black car? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I am a KU fan? Too bad for you.

Our self esteem cannot be put into the hands of others. God tells us that he loves us, and that ought to be enough. Live your life and enjoy your life. Don't let the approval or disapproval of others measure your feelings about yourself.

And on another note, be mindful of how what you say to another human being can affect how they feel. Negativity always hurts. Don't let it hurt you, and don't use it to hurt others.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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