Sunday, November 29, 2009

bell ringing report

Yesterday I rang the bell from 10-12noon. I got to see some cool cars drive by. A couple of Mustangs and one of the new Camaros. Cool.

The weather was great. 50 degrees. I counted how many people would walk by. 30 walked by until the first person gave. Then it was pretty busy. Lots of givers to the red kettle. In fact, there were lots of bills. Ones. Fives. And one woman put in a 20$. Her husband said, "hey, that's my allowance."

I was so pleased at the generosity of the people. Parents teaching their children to give. Awesome. Young, old, rich, poor. Lots of different kinds of people coming together to help the needy.

Time well spent.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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