Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It is 6:25am. Ahh. I am awake. God has given me the gift of this day. Or at least this morning. A long list for today.

A funeral for a friend. Kathy Rogers, 48 years old. Hmm. God, how can this be?
My wife is in Nebraska.
My daughter has lost her car keys so we have to get the extra set to her in Warrensburg.
AgDay is on the TV. Ha ha.
Someone asked about the parking blog. Here is what I would clarify- when we sit in the parking lanes waiting for spaces to open, we block others who come in behind us from parking and going into the building. Drive a little further out, pass a few open spaces. Park your car and go into church. Please don't hang out waiting for something close to open, it just slows everything down.
What else?
I have a TV that has to go to the shop.
My wife broke her 4th suitcase in the last 12 months, so I have to go get her another one.
I am meeting with a young minister today.
I am singing with the quartet tonight.
I am giving my testimony to the confirmation class.
All of this, if God gives me the breath of life all day.

Oh, yes, and I woke up with that song in my heart..."hold to his hand, God's unchanging your hope on things eternal....hold to God's unchanging hand."

It is, yes it is, a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

"Some days are diamonds, some days are stones...."

Some days are earthly stones, interspersed with heavenly diamonds. Sounds like today is a diamond/stone kind of day for you.

Tonight when you get humming with that quartet, it will erase all the earthly stones of today.

God is good. And you are so good to all of us in the WCC family.

Anonymous said...

Seven years ago today my 32 year old daughter had a stroke and I remember thinking....I'd give anything to have to worry about getting a "to do" list done. It was hard not to wonder..."What did I do wrong to deserve this?"

Now, every time I think about how many things I have to do during the day (whether it be taking care of her, fixing meals for her family or mine, running errands for her, any number of things...I remember back to 1/20/2003 and think, "I would've given anything to have these "little" things to worry about."

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. (even though we don't understand why).