Saturday, February 13, 2010

a dream

I dream a lot. Every night. Multiple dreams. Some I remember some I don't. Some are good, well, most all of them are good. Last night, right before I woke up, so this morning really, I dreamed that the flowers were getting ready to bloom. Tulips, Iris and daffodils, all big fat heads just getting ready to bust. More than usual, and bigger than usual.

Maybe is is a sign. Spring is coming. The ground hog is wrong. We have almost made it to the time when everything comes back to life.

The dream included a musical back ground: "O what a beautiful morning, O what a beautiful day...."

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You weren't dreaming. It's for real. They are getting ready. We just can't seem them yet. Just like God is always getting ready for something special in our lives, and we just can't see it clearly, yet.

Oh what a beautiful morning.