Sunday, July 18, 2010


There is joy in accomplishment. Saving enough money to pay your bills. Working hard on a project until it is completed. Evaluating and solving a problem.

Mowing the grass. Painting the house. Reading a book. Getting a college diploma. Each task that we do gives us the joy of a job well done.

Some want the joy without the work. The freedom without the responsibility. My Dad always said, "work first, play later." It is great advice. The book of Ecclesiastes has alot to say about the joy that men and women can get from their toil. If you enjoy your job, your work or your task, then you understand that, but if you don't it makes it a little harder.

The scriptures ask us to work as if working for the Lord. Next time you are in the middle of some task or career that you find less than satisfying, change the way that you see your tasks. You are working for the Lord. Does that change your perception?

There is great joy in life in accomplishing things that need to be done. Get up early, apply yourself, sweat, drink a glass of water and stay with the task. The reward at the end is the satisfaction of a job well done.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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