Friday, July 9, 2010

village people

A few weeks back I attended an “end of a team” soccer party. All but a few of the team members are moving on to college now. The team had been together for 10 years. Most of the original players stayed together. The two coaches stayed the entire 10 years. Great guys. Contributors to the community……well beyond soccer. Character builders. I always knew when I dropped my daughter off she would be returned to me at least the same if not better. No berating. No inappropriate use of language. Always positive. These guys were dead set on not only teaching the game but teaching sound values.... I keep thinking how fortunate my wife and I have been to have had our daughter cared for in this manner. My son has an almost an identical situation with his baseball team....what a difference this makes.

I had breakfast with a high school teacher/coach yesterday. He loves his job. He loves to teach. He loves to help kids grow and learn and reach their potential....awesome.

So I guess I just want to say thanks........not only to these people I have mentioned, but to all those people who take the time to care, to teach and to nurture our kids. It takes good hearted people. It takes a village. I am in a good one.....thank you all.

Lion’s Den Man

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear about this kind of dedication and guidance given by coaches and teachers. Just recently I thanked one of my son's teachers/coach in written form. She let me know how much that meant because at the high school level they rarely hear anything but complaints or criticism. I hope that you've been able to share your appreciation directly with the adults that have so positively influenced your children. I learned how much it means to them even if our kids are 18 and beyond! -jcc