Sunday, August 21, 2011

out of nowhere

that is where it came from.........out of nowhere. At least nowhere I could see. I was blind to things because I had a limited view. A limited understanding. What I thought about this person, what they were about was not true. I guess because I only knew a little and not the whole story... the whole person. What they did behind the scenes. What they cared about and who they cared for....I had only seen one piece of them. We are all so different so unique and created that way, I do know that much, but I put that knowledge aside because I let the situation take hold of me. So out of nowhere this person came to help. They did something without thinking. They showed compassion and understanding. It blew me away. As Jeff stated yesterday " everyone deserves the benefit of our not knowing. We owe it to them to reserve judgment." So a lesson learned and hopefully not forgotten. You just never know, do you.

Lion's Den Man

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