Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the void

I was reading an author who spoke of the void that exists inside each of us.  He is referring to the fact that if we are really honest with ourselves, we come to the end of ourselves.  We realize and have to admit that we don't have it figured out, we don't have the answers, we stand in this life as travellers on a mysterious journey.

The problem with most folks is that they never acknowledge the void.  They never admit it is there.  Pretending to know it all, they press on with life, hiding from the truth that we are all broken beyond repair.  Others, know that the void is there and allow it to depress them, but never quite know how to deal with it.

What if we faced the void?  What if we found a quiet place and honestly told God that we are broken.  We don't get it.  We are lost in a world that is beyond our control? 

You see, that is the moment that we can begin to depend on him.  When we totally come to the end of ourselves.  Our ideas, our theologies, our bullet points.  When we realize that without him we are nothing, then the door begins to open to an authentic relationship with God.  The wounds of the mystery are salved in the joy of embracing the master. 

We are nothing without him.  We are everything with him.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing a beautiful, spiritual truth. The end of ourselves and our having everything under control, is the beginning of finding out who God wants to be in our lives. Maybe He just lovingling waits for us to get to the place where we realize we don't have it all figured out after all. What a God of love, grace, mercy, and peace.

Anonymous said...

just saw this the other day... worth repeating here as it relates to your post
Had I never heard of Jesus Christ, I would still need him!

Anonymous said...

What you have shared reminded me of the song title "Hearts Made of Stone" To come to the end of ourselves is a blessing from God, when our heart for Him is made of soft clay, playdough, or Silly Putty (depending on which generation you are from.) It would be sad to come to the end of ourselves, and persist with Hearts Made of Stone, refusing to acknowledge that I don't have it figured out after all.

Anonymous said...

Leonard Mast said that if God isn't Lord of ALL in your life, then He is Lord of nothing in your life. And if God is not Lord of all, then we have no right to drive away the devil when we are tempted because we have allowed him to become our lord. It's only when Christ is on the throne that we have the power to resist the devil.