Saturday, August 6, 2011

that song

That song.  That song is stuck in my head again.  Arugh!!!!  Where did it come from?   When did I hear it?  How can I get it out of my head?

Sometimes they are good songs, sometimes they are bad.  If I like the song, I am ok with it being stuck in my head for a while.  But even good songs, get old.  Then, I have to get them out.  Out.  Out.  Out of my head.

I have a secret to do so.  I turn on the radio or MP3 player and listen to some music.  I write over the song that is stuck in my head by putting a new song in it's place.  Tricky move.  The problem is, one of these might get stuck in my head as well.

The same thing happens with ideas and thoughts.  When I find myself stuck on some thought, some idea, some something that is bothersome, after a while I have to help it move on.  So I find something else to think on and I keep doing it.  I find a positive thing to focus on, and I think of it.  OI think of all of the goodness and all of the joy.  And so I keep the old songs and the negative thoughts at bay.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing on this subject. I didn't realize other people had this challenge. Right now I'm not able to write over mine, but have found that with time they subside. Life on this earth isn't perfect, I feel blessed. Getting busy, and as you said, finding other things to think about really helps. It's the most challenging during the night, when I want to be sleeping.

Thanks again.