Thursday, August 25, 2011

over 30

When I was a young man, the hippies said, never trust a person over 30.  I remember thinking that 30 was or would be pretty old.

Then 30 arrives.  You are gaining some life experience, you still have all of your strength.  You still look good.  30 is ok.  Looking back on it now, 30 is great.

Somewhere after 30 you start to understand that you are becoming the establishment.  What you have created in the world as an outflow of your youthful dreams, has finally become the establishment that the next generation seeks to set aside.  And time marches on.

I want my kids to understand that I was once young.  I was once a visionary.  I also challenged my parent's world view.  I matter.  And so do they.  And so do their 75 year old grandparents.  Each generation is different, they all have their own gifts to give to life.  We can and should learn from each other, and care for one another.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good. 

1 comment:

grace said...

I just turned 30 last week and I cna testify to what you say!!! :)