Tuesday, September 4, 2012


There are many life lessons to learn from elevators.

First, always stand back so that others can get off, before you try to enter.  There isn't room for everyone, and it is just good manners to let others get off before you try to enter.

Second, do not talk on your cell phone on an elevator.  It is not your private phone booth.  Make your calls in private, later.  Same goes for in line at the grocery store by the way.

Third, if you are on the elevator with your friends as well as others that you don't know, respect the space of the others and hold off on your conversations with your friends until later.

Finally, this is shared but personal space.  The people that are on the elevator do not need to be looked at or engaged in conversation.  Frankly, it may scare them.  Just a simple hello is plenty.

Elevator manners say a good deal about who we are.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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