Sunday, September 9, 2012


Trips and vacations.  Do you know the difference between a trip and a vacation?  If you take the kids, its a trip.  Ha ha.

I think about places that I like to go.  Northern California.  Florida.  New Orleans.  Where do you like to go?

Now I am going to change the subject.  I am driving down the road, thinking about the cars that are coming the other direction at 55mph.  If one of them crosses the center line, I am going to be going on a trip.  A trip to eternity.

It is a trip that all of us are going to take.  It is not optional.  We are all going to make the journey.  We forget how fragile our bodies are, but in one careless moment, our souls can so easily become dislodged from this earthly house. 

Take care of yourself, and enjoy today.  Enjoy your trips and vacations, and enjoy the gift of this day.  We have a limited number of them left, you and I.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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