Sunday, September 2, 2012


A few years ago, the United Methodist church added the word witness to our membership vows.  Prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.  Witness scares most people.  I am supposed to do what?

Witness does not mean that you run around scaring people to death.  It doesn't mean that you become an annoyance to others.  It doesn't mean that you leave your normal life to corner folks and talk to them. 

When we are living the Christian life, we are a witness.  Our word and our actions, are a testimony to Christ.  We don't have to tell people that we follow Christ, they can see it.  They can tell that there is something loving and joyful about us.

Our goal should not be to rush out and witness, our goal should be to follow Christ and then just do what comes naturally.  You will know when it is right to talk with someone, and you will know when it is weird.  Stay close to your Father and love Him with all your heart.  If we do that, we can't help but be a witness.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Amen. And to add a note, that we are continually a witness. We're either a witness of what walking with Jesus looks like. Or we're a witness of "churchianity" and "religion" that causes people to go the other way.

ligooshka said...

What an insightful and deep approach to witness rather than rushing into forcing our members to witness.