Monday, January 13, 2014

at the end

Say what you may about the Duck Dynasty program, they always pray at the end of the show.  What a person does at the beginning, and at the end, is a bit telling about who they are in the middle.  To bookend your day with prayer is a good thing.  To bookend your life with an acknowledgement of God is just healthy.

I have been watching a show on Netflix called "Survivors."  Its an old BBC series about people who survive a disease that kills 90% of the population.  During each show they have all sorts of drama and trauma going on.  Characters are kidnapped, they get lost, they run out of gas and things like that.  But at the end of every show, they all come home. The door to the house opens and they all come home.

To end the day by coming home is a good thing.  Home is a good thing.  To pray, to acknowledge God, and to come home...they are all such good and important things.

When today is done, go home, and pray.  Give thanks for the people in your life and the gift of life itself.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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