Sunday, January 19, 2014

pluck it out

I have been working on redoing our shower at home.  I have never done this before and I am not doing a very good job.  It is kind of a nervous thing, because if you get it wrong, you may have a leak and the ceiling below come crashing down. 
Not good. 

So, twice now, as I have been working on the floor, I have made mistakes.  I have stewed over the mistakes, wondering if they would make a difference.  In the end I have taken the flooring out to start over.  Twice.  I want to make sure that I do this right.

As I was laying in bed one morning thinking about tearing the floor out again, I was reminded of what Jesus said, "if your eye offend thee, pluck it out."  So removing the floor to start over was a spiritual thing.

I also got to wondering about some other things in my life that maybe I need to change.  When we see things that are hurting us, sometimes we need to take Jesus' advice and pluck them out.  Just stop a thing all together.

Removing a thing can be difficult, but it the long run, it may prevent the ceiling of your life from falling in.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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