Thursday, January 9, 2014

first world problems

I am intrigued by the issue of "first world problems."  First world problems are problems that folks like us, that live in wealthy countries have, that most other people around the world would never worry about or never have the chance to worry about.  Many of the things that we used to consider normal problems, are in fact, first world problems.

-I had to park a long way from the entrance.
-someone cut me off in traffic
-we are having a very cold winter
-they stopped making my favorite kind of _____.
-my car broke down.
-my Internet is down
-my phone is dropping calls
-my boss is annoying

Those are all first world problems.  Real problems on the other hand, would include things like hunger, rape, human trafficking, a dictator, or disease.

The apostle Paul said that he had learned in all things to be content.  What kind of things are bothering you?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wrote a post about this during Lent last year because I can't stand that phrase. Here's the link: