Sunday, October 18, 2015

from a reader

 One of our delightful members picked up the book Interrupted in the books store. It is available for $10. That is cheap.

Interrupted is the book I just finished that I have been talking about and posting about. Here are the comments from your friend from church:

I am really enjoying reading the book “Interrupted”. Enjoying might not be the right word. It is hard to confront your own selfishness. But this is a wonderful book. I am really glad you suggested it. My life is becoming too much about me and mine. I need to rearrange some priorities....... I am so proud of what our church has accomplished. But, it is not enough. God didn’t give us these amazing blessings so I can redo my kitchen. I’ve seen “the least of these” both locally and overseas. How can the way my house looks still hold such a big place in my heart? It’s embarrassing. This book will be good for me.

 Pick up your copy today!

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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