Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Life is not a gift

A few weeks ago I was in Kansas City to catch the last Royals games of the year.  On Sunday morning I went to Grace UMC and listened to one of my favorite pastors, Hubert Neth.  Listening to him is like sitting under a master.  He is a very gifted speaker and a very humble man.  Hubert has a way of opening a person's brain and sticking in some new ideas.

At some point in the service, he made the statement, "life is not a gift."  This immediately got my dander up, as I am sure it did for you as well.  Then he went on...

Life is not a gift, life is a loan.  At some point, you must give it back, you must surrender it, all of it.

I loved it.  A new thought to my brain, and a good reminder.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland next year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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