Saturday, October 19, 2019

Stand with Hong Kong

There is unrest in Hong Kong.  Seems that the Chinese want to limit some of the freedoms there.

Hong Kong was leased to the British for 99 years and went back to Chinese control in 1999.  The stipulation was that Hong Kong would have western style freedoms.  China apparently wants to change that.

So there have been a lot of protests in Hong Kong.

An official with the Houston Rockets tweeted something about supporting, standing with those seeking democracy in Hong Kong. 

The Chinese retaliated.  They have cancelled NBA games in China and are shutting down the NBA there.  The NBA is or was big business in China.

Now Lebron James and the entire NBA are back pedaling.  Business before freedom I guess.  Some of what we Americans do in this world I do not understand.

I personally remember what China did to the protesters in Tienanmen Square.  I think that we should stand for freedom.  Period.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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